Kotlin - a bit of history with Andrey Breslav

Kotlin - a bit of history with Andrey Breslav

Lee Turner

1 minute read

Come and join us by signing up on our meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/brighton-kotlin/events/296107142/

We are very excited to welcome Andrey Breslav to our November meetup. Andrey is the Co-founder of Alter and was the Lead Language Designer for Kotlin at JetBrains. He will be giving a talk on Kotlin: a bit of history

This talk will give an overview of how Kotlin was developed and how it progressed looking from the inside. This will be a great way to round off this year’s Brighton Kotlin meetups.

Our friends at Silicon Brighton will again be providing the AV and streaming live on YouTube and LinkedIn, plus there will be drinks and pizza courtesy of Runway East and Silicon Brighton, and a chance to chat with the Brighton Kotlin community for those attending in person.

Andrey is the Co-founder of Alter.

Connect with Andrey:

Twitter/X : https://twitter.com/abreslav
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abreslav